(Poem) Under the Moon

By Nasrin Tamanna

Darling here we are under the moon! 

Under the bliss of heaven! 

I may be the unromantic girl ever 

But I can ensure my innocent love for you 

I may be the rude stand toughest girl ever 

But I can ensure the purest care ever 

I am a little bit naughty,much crazier,a bit more weird Buticangiveyouthegenuineloveever 

Mydarling,hereweareunderthemoon,undertheblissofheaven. We are blessed to have each other 

This moon, that sun, this wood, that breeze, 

All the world, all those responsibilities 

All are a lie, all are a lie 

Only this moment, those silver rays, and we 

This present is the truth 


And swear to god, O DarlingI love thee 

And I am not able like Elizabeth Barrett Browning to express, how do I love thee! 

Maybe I love thee to the moon and back 

Maybe I love thee like an ant that loves sweets 

Or maybe I love thee like an addict loves drugs

Or maybe I love thee likeadogloveshismaster 

Or maybe like a farmer loves his crops! 

Or maybe like the king loves his crown 

Or simply like a mother loves her children! 

I can’t be Lailior Shirior Julekha for you! 

I am NT the great, and you’re my Raj! 

I don’t need to have your sun, moon, or stars for me 

I can simply offer you a poem of love 

And in return, I would ask for a romantic letter too! 


But I can give you a warm hug and snatch your worries away 

In return, I will ask for loyalty and peace too! 

You have pillars, rods, cement, and piles of concrete 

And I do have pages of stories full of emotions 

I can be the liquid of your cement mixture and the strings of you rrod Pillars! 

Oh, Love, the moon is hiding under the clouds 

Maybe she is indicating for us to be melted in each other’s arms and enjoy the darkness! And here we are, hugging and kissing each other under the moon, under the bliss of heaven!