Through My Window’s Fade

By Durgasree Saha Kudly

In this vast expanse of life, I find

My solace in a window, my peace of mind.

But today, a cloud of worry descends,

Will this place, my sanctuary, meet its end?


The construction, near my weary window,

Fills my heart with fear, with trepidation’s glow.

They toil and hammer, oblivious to my plight,

As my cherished view fades, like stars in the night.


For fifteen or sixteen years, I’ve made my stay,

Seeking solace in the fresh air every day.

Why, I ponder, construct another building tall,

Shrouding my haven, like a suffocating shawl?


Memory lapses, oh, they plague my weary mind,

Frustration lingers, a puzzle hard to unwind.

Indifference and thoughtlessness towards my pleas,

Why so blind, when my joy lies in this gentle breeze?


The warmth of sun’s rays, a treasure I’ll soon miss,

As darkness encroaches, stealing nature’s kiss.

The enticing aroma of fresh air, so divine,

Forever gone, it seems, from this window of mine.


Oh, how disheartening, this potential last day,

To bid farewell, as tranquility fades away.

Yet still, I hold on, I cherish what I have known,

Observing the world through glass, where love has grown.


So, let the construction boast of its grand design,

I’ll carry my memories, this view, like a lifeline.

For though they build high and block my soaring view,

The sky still whispers ancient tales to my heart so true.