Nostalgic Flavours in the Kitchen

Kazi Bushra Orpy 

Once upon a time, in a small town where the summer sun danced merrily in the sky, there lived a young woman named Soroborno. She was a graduate, full of dreams and aspirations, but alas, she found herself jobless and living alone in a modest bachelor’s room.

On one scorching hot summer day, as beads of sweat trickled down her forehead, Soroborno found solace in her mother’s homemade ice cream recipe. With each lick, she couldn’t help but feel a pang of worry gnawing at her heart. She gazed up at the vast expanse of the sky, pondering her future, feeling trapped by the dependence on her family’s support and tuition fees.

Feeling frustrated and helpless, Soroborno closed her eyes, seeking refuge in the nostalgia of her childhood. She remembered how her mother, in moments of sadness or despair, would conjure up the most delightful sweet pancakes, unlike any other. With each bite, Soroborno felt her troubles melt away, as if her mother’s love was flowing through her veins.

Inspired by these memories, Soroborno decided to channel her emotions into something productive. She ventured into the kitchen, determined to recreate her mother’s magic. As she busied herself with the pots and pans, a dear friend unexpectedly dropped by. Soroborno welcomed her with a warm smile, serving her freshly made pancakes and engaging in heartfelt conversation.

Impressed by Soroborno’s culinary skills, her friend couldn’t help but marvel at her talent. “You have the touch of a magician when it comes to cooking,” she exclaimed. “Why not consider opening your own restaurant? You have a gift that deserves to be shared with the world.”

Despite her friend’s encouragement, Soroborno initially brushed off the idea, consumed by doubts and insecurities. However, as she washed the dishes later that evening, her friend’s words lingered in her mind. Could she really turn her passion for cooking into a career?

With newfound determination, Soroborno embarked on a journey of self-discovery. She began experimenting as a home cook, offering her delectable creations through an online food business. To her delight, the response was overwhelming, fueling her confidence and igniting her entrepreneurial spirit.

Buoyed by her success, Soroborno took a leap of faith and opened her own restaurant, where she poured her heart and soul into every dish. Her unique blend of flavors and heartfelt cooking soon garnered widespread acclaim, establishing her as a rising star in the culinary world.

One day, as Soroborno stood in the spotlight of a prestigious cooking show, the host posed a question that struck a chord deep within her soul. “What inspired you to cook?” he inquired.

With a smile that radiated warmth and gratitude, Soroborno looked into the camera and replied, “My mom’s cooking. The nostalgic memories of her love-infused pancakes are what brought me here today.”

And as the audience erupted into applause, Soroborno knew that she had finally found her calling, guided by the nostalgic memories of her mother’s kitchen and fueled by her own passion for culinary excellence.