(Short Story) A Eulogy for the Wind’s Whispers

By Shahriar Rahman

I am not penning my narrative for the sake of humanity; instead, my words flow in tribute to nature, a concern borne out of my apprehension for the repercussions it may inflict upon my existence. If nature were to read my tale, I would only ask it forgive me. It has become unmistakably clear that nature, an entity knowing no bounds, holds the reins over the development of civilization. It dictates the course of action, weaving the fabric of our existence.

From his early years, Charlie fostered a profound connection with an unbridled force, an entity that recognized no constraints—the very force romantic poets cherished. This wind, a constant companion through life’s ebbs and flows, highs and lows, silently stood by Charlie’s side until his final breath, enveloping him in the warmth of its inexorable power. Unbeknownst to Charlie until his twilight, he found himself unable to share this revelation.

In the winter, Charlie laments the wind’s ferocity as it decimates everything in its path. Yet, paradoxically, he finds solace in its destructive dance, understanding that the wind, in stripping leaves and rendering trees barren, serves a purpose—clearing the canvas for the impending rebirth in spring, the season of revival. This celestial wind becomes a guardian, shielding seeds from darkness and ensuring their protection from annihilation.

A formidable force capable of taunting the ocean, this wind can transform a serene sea into a maelstrom, unleashing storms that engulf towns, cities, and civilizations. Charlie, captivated by the strength required to incite such aggression in the vast ocean, contemplates the profound impact of a seemingly inconspicuous wind.

This wind, possessing the strength to traverse the world in the blink of an eye, becomes Charlie’s solace in moments of despair. It whispers calmness into his tumultuous soul, offering glimpses of his life that aid him in making decisions. With the ability to perceive Charlie’s existence and, in a way, foretell his future, the wind becomes an unseen confidant.

Motivated by this unseen power, Charlie yearns to embody the wind’s strength. In moments of desperation, he prays fervently, not only seeking the wind’s power but expressing a desire to wield it for personal gain. Unbeknownst to him, the wind, his silent companion, hears his words with a mixture of sadness and wrath.

In pursuit of solace, Charlie embarks on a journey to a beach, seeking the soothing embrace of nature and the vastness of the ocean. Engaging in the risky pursuit of surfing, he places his trust in the wind, believing it will be his ally in times of need. However, as the wind’s behavior takes an unexpected turn, Charlie finds himself at the mercy of the raging sea. In his final moments, with no friend wind to aid him, he drowns, his body consumed by the storm.

In retrospect, the wind emerges as a divine force, transferring thoughts and prophecies across generations. In winter, it offers the promise of regeneration, maintaining equilibrium by curtailing civilization’s excesses. It is not judgmental but universal. Unfair treatment of nature by civilization invokes the wrath of destruction, for nature knows no mercy. However, it also possesses the power to restore balance, ensuring fairness in its own enigmatic way.

Thus, in the ebb and flow of existence, the wind remains a silent witness, a force that whispers tales of life and death, of destruction and renewal—a testament to the eternal dance between humanity and nature.