Facebook Could Motivate EFL Learners to Develop Genre Based Writing Skills:

A Study on Bangladeshi Undergraduate Learners’ Emersion in Free Writing Space


  • Md. Abu Sufian Lecturer, BRAC Institute of Languages BRAC University, Dhaka
  • Md. Mahbubul Islam Lecturer, BRAC Institute of Languages BRAC University, Dhaka




Facebook, genre based writing, EFL, undergraduate


It is observed that EFL learners from mainstream education taking admission in different undergraduate programs at different public and private universities in Bangladesh are very weak in L2 writing. Because of the HSC (Higher Secondary Certificate Examination in Bangladesh) question pattern and traditional methods of teaching, it is observed that almost ninety percent students are weak in free writing in L2. The learners do not have any idea of different genre of writing in L2. It is also found that the learners are not motivated enough to write in L2. They somehow try to avoid the writing from their creativity. Often teachers complain that the learners take much time than they are given to complete the writing, since they did not get enough opportunity to practice creative writing in the class room. However, they need extensive writing skills at university level in L2. Therefore, the teachers of undergraduate programs are facing a challenge to develop their writing skills in L2. It has also been observed that because of limited vocabulary, the newcomers cannot write according to the requirements. To help these students, the researchers have observed that proper guided Facebooking can motivate students to write L2 on their own. For this research, the researchers will go through mixed method research. The researchers have collected data through a questionnaire for teachers, a questionnaire for students and interviews. The findings of the research will definitely help both the teachers and students at undergraduate level.




How to Cite

Sufian, M. A. ., & Islam, M. M. . (2015). Facebook Could Motivate EFL Learners to Develop Genre Based Writing Skills:: A Study on Bangladeshi Undergraduate Learners’ Emersion in Free Writing Space. Crossings: A Journal of English Studies, 6(2), 146–151. https://doi.org/10.59817/cjes.v6i.204


