Teaching EFL Writing:

A Comparative Study of Bengali and English Medium Secondary Schools in Bangladesh


  • Rezwana Islam Lecturer, Center for Language Studies, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Dhaka




Writing Skill, Bengali Medium, English Medium, Teaching Strategies, Specific Feedback


Writing in English has become a challenging task for EFL learners in Bangladesh with the written test-based assessment system and growing importance of speaking skills as part of globalization. So the need for writing skill development remains the same despite the difference in curriculum and mode of communication (native or non-native language) of educational institutions. This study discovered the similarities and differences in the teaching methods of English writing at the secondary level of English medium and Bengali medium schools in Bangladesh. Students and teachers of twelve schools in Dhaka participated in the survey. Data was collected using a questionnaire, interviews, and focus group discussions. Findings show how most of the teachers and students in every medium focused on accuracy of structure and content development rather than the process of writing. Finally, this study suggests some common teaching strategies for improving the writing skills of EFL learners, irrespective of mediums.




How to Cite

Islam, R. . (2019). Teaching EFL Writing:: A Comparative Study of Bengali and English Medium Secondary Schools in Bangladesh. Crossings: A Journal of English Studies, 10, 143–156. https://doi.org/10.59817/cjes.v10i.94


